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The point you maybe canada goose coats not getting is the commerce clause answers the question “can Congress make this regulation without violating the constitution?” The answer with regards to places of public accommodation has been yes. You cited the case that stands for that proposition.Would you not agree that the internet broadly is a channelAbsolutely not in the constitutional sense.and a website specifically is an instrument, by which interstate commerce is conducted? Or even that Reddit specificallyAbsolutely not in the constitutional sense.It easy to make your point sound like a sure thing and make someone else sound silly when it based on a faulty premise that you just state as factual or unchangeable.I am 100% certain you a college student who cheap canada goose does canada goose jacket uk not understand how the commerce clause works, which is only worth bringing up because you canada goose uk black friday cited a commerce clause case to make the point that it would likely be illegal for reddit to allow a subreddit to segregate on the basis of race, which is unlikely, because 1) it a dubious proposition that reddit is a buy canada goose jacket place of public accommodation in the first place 2) reddit and reddit policies do not have s substantial impact on interstate commerce. There is definitely a way that reddit is subject to federal regulations, but absolutely not on the basis of how it deals with one Canada Goose Outlet subreddits decision to keep anonymous users off its sub.Their music features a rare contribution to the genre, incorporating the use of a violin.